Located in the tranquil workshop space above Global Tribe bookshop, I attended two yoga classes taught by Maja, who has been practicing yoga since childhood and completed her teacher training in India. With small classes of 6-8 people, the sessions are intimate and help to create a sense of community and pause in the busy Leeds city centre. Maja personalises the classes to all levels and takes injuries into consideration, with multiple options for each pose. For Maja, this practice goes beyond exercise, and becomes a way of living: ‘Yoga has changed the way I move, the way I live every day life and my perception of the world.’

Tuesday morning class (10:30am-11:30am)
Tuesday morning’s Dynamic Hatha class practices control through postures and breathing; a discipline that shows how unified body and mind are, and the importance of maintaining one for the wellbeing of the other. Whilst this class is suitable for all levels, I found that I pushed myself more in a group setting compared to stretching on my own at home. With a patient teacher and gentle challenges, I managed to relax into the stretches after any initial discomfort. This speaks to the wider philosophy of yoga - to sit with discomfort instead of resisting it and, in doing so, exceeding what you think you are capable of. Moving through the movements at an accessible pace, Maja helped each of us individually with our alignment and demonstrated how graceful bodily strength can be. As one regular stated, Maja is expert at ‘helping you to understand, accept and work with your body - not against it.’
Walking out of the Tuesday class (and into my 12pm shift) I felt flexible and energised - endorphins propelling me into the day ahead.
Wednesday evening class (18:45-19:45)
I found the Wednesday evening Reset Yoga class to be a great mode of stress relief and decompression after a long day. This session focuses on mobility, flexibility and Active Recovery yoga. Maja guided us through each movement with deliberation and fluidity. With an especially gentle atmosphere, complete with the sound of singing bowls, this class is a godsend for emotionally taxing days, and you will leave with a deep sense of calm. Reset Yoga teaches us to be kind to our bodies, whilst pushing and encouraging ourselves to explore new ways of moving. The class is perfect for anyone looking to counteract the mid-week slump, or as a way to unwind after a long day at work.
For more information on weekly classes and prices visit Maja’s website: