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Crystals Explained - G/H


Galena is a form of Lead sulphide which forms in cubes and has a hardness of 2.5. It is very dense and exhibits a colour range from dull grey to metallic blue.

This metallic crystal is very inert and dulls the senses if worked with or worn. I particularly do not choose to work with this stone. As galena is lead based it is always good to wash your hands thoroughly after use.

Garnet ( Almandine )

Almandine Garnet is perhaps the most common of the garnet family and has a deep red

to brown colour. These crystals exhibit an isometric structure and have a hardness of 7 to 7.5

Almandine is an excellent stone to work around the sacral chakra. This stone is excellent in the area of promoting fertility. Almandine is also an excellent stone for use in anifestation. Almandine helps us to feel very comfortable, energised and happy with our situation and in this way it assists in the process of manifesting more abundance in our lives. Sometimes we can choose to hook up to an energy and then simply allow more of that energy to come to us.

Garnet ( Grossular )

Grossular garnet has anorange colour to it and exhibits an isometric structure. Grossular Garnet has a hardness of 6.5 to 7.

Grossular garnet works in a similar way to almandine but it works more on the flow between the solar plexus and sacral chakra. In this way it is also great for manifesting abundance but also encompasses the energy of a energetic and healthy self esteem.


Gaspeite has a green colour and exhibits a hexagonal structure. Gaspeite has a hardness of 4.5 to 5.

This stone can be found in Canada and is very gentle and works almost like a jasper. This stone comforts, nurtures and supports.


Goetite is a dark horse of a stone which forms in an orthorhombic structure

and has a hardness of 5 to 5.5. It can appear black or brown and occasionally it can have a multi coloured iridescence on its surface.

Goetite is an amazing stone to meditate with. It has a stillness that is stiller than I have noticed in any other stone. Deep inside the stillness there is an effervescence that is difficult to describe within the stillness. This is a fabulous stone and great specimens are hard to find.


Gold is an awesome metal which exhibits an isometric structure and has a hardness of 2.5 to 3. Gold is used as a standard for currency and has a high fiscal value.

Metaphysically, Gold is known as the transcendental metal. We all have a little gold in our bodies and it is this small amount of gold that gives us the will to live. In this way gold is an excellent stone to use with people who have suicidal tendencies.

In well balanced people gold can be used in meditation to facilitate connection to higher vibrations or alternative planes of consciousness.

Small amounts can beplaced on the third eye or the crownchakra during meditation for fascinating results.


Goshenite is the colourless form of Beryl. This crystal forms in hexagonal structures and has the hardness of 7.5 to 8.

Goshenite is very similar to its brother Aquamarine. It brings clarity and acceptance to the user and environment. In particular this form of beryl is inspiring and uplifting.


Gypsum is a form of calcium sulphate which comes in a variety of forms. It is most commonly found in the form selenite which is formed of long slender needle like crystals that form compacted together, almost like fibre optic cables. Another rarer form can be found as large clear crystals that are often found inside geodes of amethyst, quartz or calcite. These crystals exhibit a monoclinic structure and have a hardness of 2.

Gypsum, when found in the two varieties mentioned above, is extremely uplifting and positive. This stone is often called the bringer of light and will bring light to any dark corner of a room or a mind.

This is a great crystal to have in a healing collection

Hematite Hematite is a shiny form of iron oxide that exhibits trigonal structure and has a hardness of 6 to 7. Hematite is usually found in massive form but it can also be found in beautiful crystals and what are termed natural hematite mirrors. Hematite is an excellent grounding stone, which helps the user to feel more present and practical in the physical, mental and emotional worlds. Hematite can be used to close chakras, especially the third eye. There are times when we can be too open/receptive in the world and hematite can help us to slow down or gently close our chakras and in so doing be less affected by our surroundings and the people within them. Hematite is a great protection stone and will reflect negative energies away from the user. Hemimorphite Hemimorphite forms in clear to pale blue crystals and they exhibit an orthorhombic structure. This crystal has a hardness of 4.5 to 5. Hemimorphite gently promotes strength and clarity. This crystal is good to work with over longer periods of time as there is an energy of creativity that sits inside its structure. Herderite Herderite is a crystal that forms in a colour range from pale yellow through brown to lilac. This crystal exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 5 to 5.5. Herderite is an amazing stone that is both rare and relatively unheard of. This crystal seriously gives you wings. Herderite brings a confidence which is partnered with an very high vibration which lifts us up and out of our normal locations. This is a great stone for transformation and investigation of higher planes of consciousness. This crystal brings a feeling of liberation to the user. It can be used by all levels of users but it is most useful when worked with by people who have an experience and understanding of high frequency subtle energies. Herkimer Diamonds Herkimer Diamonds are a form of small double terminated quartzes that come from Herkimer county in New York State. They exhibit the natural trigonal structure of quartz and have a hardness of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. There are versions of this formation that can be found from all around the world. The pieces from Afghanistan and Morocco and considerably cheaper than the very expensive Herkimer Diamonds from Herkimer. They have a quick, zippy little energy that is enhanced by by the fact that they are double terminated. They are great little tools for increasing the energy flow around the human body, especially when used on the meridians and the chakras. They can also be used to great effect when utilised with various hand mudhras. Halite Halite is a form of salt which forms in an isometric structure and has a hardness of 2.5. Salt is an amazing crystal which can be used to cleanse crystals, environments and people. There is nothing like a salt bath at the end of a difficult day. Just watch all the rubbish of the day come out of you and spiral down the plughole. Energetically, salt can be held in the right hand to draw out any unwanted energies. People have been placing salt on their windows and doors for hundreds if not thousands of years. Salt has also been used in rituals and to preserve food. Many people are using the wonderful iron rich salt from the Himalayas, especially in baths as well as cooking. Hawks Eye This mineral is a form of quartz with fibrous inclusions of Riebeckite. These amphibole fibres grow in parallel lines which give a beautiful sheen. This mineral exhibits a trigona l structure and has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Hawks Eye is a form of Tigers Eye which has inclusions of Fe2+. The Fe2+ inclusion give the appearance of blue as opposed to the Fe3+ whic gives Tigers eye the yellow/brown appearance. Hawks Eye works in a similar manner to Tigers eye, brining confidence and security. This is an excellent stone to use when embarking on new adventures, businesses, jobs etc. This mineral brings an increased energy and faith in your own actions. This stability can be used as a great support when people find themselves outside of their comfort zones. Heliodor Heliodor is a form of Beryl and as such exhibits a hexagonal structure. Heliodor has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs hardness scale. Heliodor has a most agreeable nature that lifts energies, moods and spirits. It is a genuinely happy stone. The beryls by their nature have very harmonious and accepting energies that seek to blend all the energies present in a positively inspiring blend. This crystal can be used to bring in the sunshine on sad days, it will be great to work with for SAD ( seasonal affected disorder), depression and ME. This stone is simply a great stone to work with, bringing joy, happiness and accepta nce to bot the user and its environment. This crystal is also called golden beryl. Heliotrope See Bloodstone.

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