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Crystals Explained - K/L


Kunsite is a form of spodumene that exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale.

This crystal comes in a variety of colours ranging for yellow through green to blue, purple, indigo and clear. These crystals have a particularly slow energy and as such can remove blockages from within our energetic systems. They can be used by wearing them, meditating with them, placing them and also by sweeping them through our auras.

These are very useful crystals to have in any crystal toolkit. Kunsite is also especially good to work with when trying to give up habitual patterns.


Kyanite forms in blade like crystals and clusters that exhibit a triclinic structure and have a hardness of 5.5 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Kyanite usually forms in blue crystals but also comes in clear,green and very rarely in pink.

Kyanite is an excellent crystal for use in energy work. Kyanite cleanses all chakras from the root chakra to the crown chakra. This crystal is also very useful in cutting the ties between past situations, people, places and habits. Kyanite works specifically on the throat chakra and is great for singers, orators and for use in psychic development.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a form of Lazurite, Quartz and Pyrite. Lazurite

crystals exhibit an isometric structure and have a hardness of 5 to 5.5.

Lapis Lazuli is known as the stone of wisdom or the royal stone. Lapis works on the psychic centres especially the throat and third eye chakras. Lapis opens us up to the worlds or dimensions within, which we can access through deep meditation and through our psychic centres. Meditating with this stone brings feelings of strength, peace and knowing amongst many others.


Labradorite is a variety of Anorthite, which gas a hardness of 6-6.5 on the Moh’s s

cale. It was named after its discovery in Labrador, Canada. These days most of the high grade Labradorite is coming from Madagascar.

Labradorite is known as the stone of magic, which can be seen from its beautiful appearance of dark blue to black with regions of fantastic colours, almost neon in nature, ranging from iridescent blue through green to yellow and pink. This stone brings a lift which helps to place our perceptions in our higher centres, heart, throat, third eye and crown. This stone works well with the psychic centres and inspires clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience. As we raise our awareness into the higher chakras, we become less aware of our physical bodies and more aware of our subtle bodies,

including our emotional, mental and astral bodies.

This stone encourages us to become more than our physical selves and asks us to make deeper inquiries into our true natures.


Larimar is a variety of the form pectolite, which forms in triclinic cryst

als and has a hardness of 4-4.5 on the Moh’s scale.

Larimar only comes from the Dominican Republic and is highly desired for its beautiful soft/powder blue colour which has unique markings when polished. This beautiful stone has a very soft and comforting energy which inspires trust and honesty. Larimar brings out the softer aspects of our nature and asks us to live gently in the world both with people and our environment. Larimar works gently with the heart and throat centres but can be placed on any chakra, facilitating a softening and calming of the chakra or area it is placed on.

Lemon Quartz

Lemon Quartz is a variety of quartz which has a hardness of 7 and exhibits a trigonal

structure. This quartz is probably heat treated to give it the lemon colour, a bit like some citrine is simply heat treated Amethyst. There are natural forms of citrine and there are natural forms of lemon quartz but the quantity of tumbled lemon quartz in the market indicates a mass treatment of quartz.

Natural Lemon Quartz can be found in clusters and points and accounts for less than 1% of the total amount of quartz currently mined.

This type of quartz has a naturally zingy nature which gives it an uplifting and energising quality. It will be very beneficial to use on the solar plexus but can also be used on all chakras to energise them.

Lemurian Seed Crystals

These crystals are a type of quartz, which exhibit a trigonal structure and have a hardness of 7 on the Moh’s scale.

These are often the finest specimens of quartz points that can be found. They often have a long slender form that comes to a laser like termination. They exhibit numerous characteristic horizontal lines running across one or more faces. They are said to have come from the ancient land of Lemuria and are regularly found in the higher quality deposits of Brazilian quartz.

The best quality crystals are almost perfectly clear on the inside, which brings about a much faster, cleaner and more focussed energy. There are many on the market,

with the horizontal lines, but only some have great clarity. Great to use for intention work and they are very inspiring, opening the crown chakra, bringing clarity and inspiration. They can be used with all chakras to clear, activate and energise.


Lepidolite is a variety of Muscovite Mica which exhibits a monoclinic structure and has a hardness of 2.5 on the Moh’s scale.

This form of mica has a particular colour ranging from lilac to purple which indicates the presence of Lithium in its structure. It is the Lithium that gives this particular stone its very calming and soothing qualities. Lepidolite naturally calms the nerves and emotions, bringing balance to the user. This stone is excellent to use in cases of depression. Lepidolite works in a very gentle manner bringing emotional support and a duty of care. This stone is excellent for use in times of stress or emotional exhaustion. In daily life it is very supportive, comforting and a delight to work with regardless of any adverse conditions. Lepidolite acts like a true friend.


Limonite is currently the term used for a mass of hydroxides which has a hardness of 4.5 and has an earthy colour often with a white massive area.

Limonite is a very grounding stone which relaxed and dissipates energy. This stone gently grounds any latent energies and then supports. Great for use with hyperactivity and overimagination.

Lithium Quartz

Lithium Quartz is a variety of quartz and as such exhibits a trigonal structure and has a hardness of 7 on the Moh’s scale.

This type of quartz has a gentle lilac/brown tinge which indicates the presence of Lithium. This colour can be both on the outside of the crystal and within. Lithium gives the quartz some very special qualities. This type of quartz acts in a much softer and gentler manner than clear quartz. Lithium is the mineral that the body uses to balance the emotions and bring about a calm nature.

This type of quartz is extremely comforting, supportive and kind.


Lodestone is a variety of Magnetite, see Magnetite

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